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Monday, October 17, 2011

Hooray for preschool!

There were once two little girls who rarely left their mom and dad's sides.  Their parents worried that the little girls might have a hard time adjusting to school since they'd never stayed with anyone other than family.  Then one day their mother took them to preschool, and without tears they stayed, played with other children (only occasionally maiming them), and were filled with glee.
The first day of preschool.

The fairy tale ending is true, but the road to get there was a little more complicated.  Sophie and Sienna have come a long way!  They're three-years-old and are behaving like big girls.  Their behavior began changing rapidly about three weeks before their actual birthday.  They became more independent from their mom and started playing together for extended periods of time without a referee (me).  Re-enacting stories and movies makes up most of the play, along with playing house, dress-up, singing and dancing, painting, and playing with Barbies (some new and lots of hand me downs).  The week of their birthday the girls even agreed to two unaccompanied play dates at neighbors houses.  I knew we were heading in a positive direction.

Before the independent playing began, I'd had my doubts how they would handle school.  When we chose a preschool, we carefully made sure to seek out one that would ease them into separating from us (home visits from their teacher before school started and a modified first two weeks made a big difference).  We found one of the few co-ops in our area and it was a perfect fit for the girls.  Hooray for them!  They're already acting more mature and learning a lot (about playing).  Hooray for me!  I have some new found freedom.

Sudbury Cooperative Preschool is located in Sudbury, MA.

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