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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gifts, Gifts, and More Gifts

So Thanksgiving is under our belts both literally and figuratively.  It was a great day for our entire little family.  The girls had big kids to play with, we had lots of good food and conversation, thanks to an incredibly well organized dinner by our hosts.  The girls were even in bed at a normal time thanks to all the excitement and lack of nap.

A sure sign they're feeling better: costumes, Icecream sandwiches & Popsicles
The remainder of the weekend was surprisingly low key due to little cold our entire family picked up, but it kept us close to home on what could have been a jam-packed weekend so in the end, I'm grateful that we got some good family time.

IRC Jump Start Trampoline $79
Not one to stand in line for door busters, I'd never planned on venturing out for Black Friday shopping, but I was motivated by all the "big girl" toys the girls played with on Thanksgiving.  First thing in the morning, I placed some big gift orders which include a gigantic dollhouse and a small indoor trampoline for the house.  I've already picked up some books, magnetic paper dolls, and sparkly Keds, so I think all Santa needs to bring is some fantastic stocking stuffers, and that should make for a perfect 2-year old Christmas.   I mean, a mom could really get carried away so I'm going to practice restraint.

Now that the major Santa appreciators (I think this will be the year they start to "get" Santa, but I could be wrong) are taken care of, it's time to think of everyone else.  I think I'll start with myself, and a pre-holiday gift of a gym membership, so I can get my own jump start.  


  1. i WISH i had your restraint, i always over achieve as santa. it has something to do with being a stepmother to two girls who dont have their biological mother... i feel obligated to blow everyone's mind every christmas morning. i hope that isnt akin to buying love - it's not my parenting method the other 364 days of the year. i just want christmas to be extra special for them...
    check this web page out:

  2. I'm a gemini, so tomorrow my entire strategy could go out the window! I think it's different when kids are older....the expectations around holidays are huge, and no one wants to disappoint (stepmother OR biological). But I'm pretty sure Sophie & Sienna are only going to sort of understand Christmas this year, so i'm holding out for future christmases, and until we're out of this loft, because I have no clue where we'd put it all!

    Thanks for the link!
