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Friday, June 26, 2009

What will I be when I grow up? Lately people have been asking me what I plan on doing when I'm done being a stay at home mom, which I think is a little odd because don't your children still need you when they're 5 and older? In fact, don't they need you to be around even more when they're pre-teen and teens?

I'm not really insulted by the question, because it's something I've been asking myself lately too. I've done a lot of things in my 34 years on this earth. I've had a lot of little careers. Let's see I've slewn donuts and bagels, worked as a lifeguard, at a tanning salon, hair salon and daycare all before I graduated from high school. I was a manicurist, scheduler, advertising and marketing account exec, advertising sales rep, print sales rep, country club sales rep, and business owner all before I was 30. I was a designer for California Closets, the Cosmetic & Fragrance manager at Saks 5th Avenue and launched Skirt Magazine during my time in North Carolina.

Someone tried to recruit me for a job once because he was so impressed by all the things I'd "done." I guess I'd never really thought of myself as a "do-er" but the truth is that I really do like to try new things. How else would I ever know whether I was missing something great. Some people pick a career in college and stay with that choice until they retire. My mother picked my major (Journalism with a concentration in PR), and that was a fitting choice. I think I would have been a very happy magazine writer, PR exec (although I wasn't thrilled with working in an agency, but they weren't a particularly cool or PR focused agency).

It's a great time to not be in sales, so maybe by the time it's for me to go back to work the economy will have straightened itself out. Maybe I'll open another business (what's that they say about the definition of insanity?). Maybe I'll go and work at J Crew so that I can dress like Michelle Obama and get a discount on their adorable Crew Cuts kids line.

Luckily, I think I have a while to think this through. The next job I choose will definitely be the one that sticks.

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