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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Becoming a Domestic Goddess

I strive to be a domestic goddess. I truly want to be good at this job I have. I don't want o be annoying like Martha Stewart and do everything too perfectly, I want to more like the Barefoot Contessa who knows how to make a lovely dinner for 20, a terrific cocktail, and a romantic dinner for Jeffrey any night of the week. I want my house to be beyond reproach clean, but not too sterile that it's not cozy. I want to have a pot of coffee brewing every time a friend just pops by, and not have to say "there's a little left in the pot, hold on while I make some more."

I can still be a feminist (which I am) and want to be good at these things. However, I have some competition. It just so happens that my husband's better than me at all of the things mentioned above. He can have the house gleaming, a clam sauce bubbling, a mojito muddled and on ice, plus have the grass mowed, and a ceiling fan wired in under 2 hours.

I'm getting better, though. Tonight I surprised him with maybe the best oatmeal, walnut, chocolate chip cookies EVER! They aren't much to look at, but they are gooood. Lacy, crispy, and chewy. He begs for sweets, and try and surprise him a couple of times a week, even though I really don't like to have the temptation in the house. I'll have to remember to send the batch to work with him in the morning.
Note: I added chocolate chips & chopped walnuts Cookie Recipe:


  1. Being a domestic goddess is certainly an art form! I think this talent also shows in your fashion sense - you always look effortless chic!
