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Monday, January 9, 2012

Reproduction Junction

Larry, Sienna, and Sophie - Beth Israel Hospital, Boston
Now that our girls are three-years-old it seems we have a major life decision to make: will we try for another child?  No. 3?  Numero tres? 

Well-meaning people have been asking whether we would try for a third child pretty much since my twins were born.  I thought I'd hit the jackpot popping out two healthy babies at once, but others seem to think a masculine child would make my family complete.  I believe women are equal to men,  so having only girls seems completely acceptable, which is shocking to some.

Luckily my husband feels the same way.  He doesn't seem to need to recreate his childhood with a boy.  In fact, he realizes that we probably have our hands full with the two children we already have.

I don't want to say that there are definitely no more babies in our future (I've had to eat my words too many times to be that decisive about anything).  In fact I wonder what it would be like to have just one baby.  Would pregnancy be less uncomfortable?  What would it be like to cuddle one infant at a time, or to read with one baby?

For a little added pressure, my girls regularly ask for a baby sister.  They also ask for a big sister, which would be a little more complicated.  Surely we can't have another baby just to please them.  They already make too many decisions for us, and besides, I already gave away all of the baby stuff when they turned one, quite confident that there would definitely be no more babies in our future.

We're headed into good territory: the girls are in preschool, one's potty-trained, they're becoming more independent, and travel (with them) seems possible. I'm also looking forward to working again in the near future, and another baby would put that on hold.

I haven't come to any conclusions yet.  We still have time since my Implanon contraceptive implant (yes, I'm over sharing again) is good for a few more months.


  1. Oh Maria....Have another one! I have 3 girls, 6, 3 and 6 months and I am already baby hungry for number 4...If that happens, between you, me and the blogging world, I would want a girl, as I am HORRIFIED of little boys! You will never look back, if you were to have another, and say, I wish I had not. You might however, look back and say, I wish I did if you don't and there is nothing you can do about the latter. Sure there are risks and I know the feeling of "good territory" and then having an infant bomb that land....Would not give up the crazy for all the money in the world! Granted my 2 cents does not matter, but I say do it!

  2. Dara, your 2 cents is much appreciated! You have a lot of love to give, so I say you should keep going! The jury's still out on me. XOXO

  3. Interesting.... You know my own story. ;) Do whatever feels right in your heart. Miss you!
