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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


My girls could have it worse.
I don't know what happened along the way, but I'm constantly doing things as a parent that I'd never thought I'd do.  I try to be a good mother, but I am definitely weak (read lazy) in other areas. 

Here goes....

  • My children watch endless hours of TV.
  • I allow my kids to eat Popsicles all day including first thing in the morning.
  • I let my children eat fast food a lot
  • My twins still sleep in my bed.
  • If they continue to whine, I usually give in.
  • I just stopped my twins from drinking milk before bed, not because of "bottle rot" but so they wouldn't wet the bed.
  • Sophie put her doll in a time out the other day.
  • We don't keep all our pharmaceuticals in a lock box or safe.
  • I take them for exercise at the mall.
Judge me if you want, but it's the truth.

In my defense it's difficult to fill up a 12-hour day with educational enthusiasm.  We do lots of good things to offset the not-so-good.  We go to museums, paint, read, sing, and play all the time, but I'm looking forward to September when they'll have three mornings of top quality time in preschool, giving mommy time to re-charge so that I can be at the top of my game.


  1. you're a great mommy!
    thousands wouldnt dare to admit to the same offenses. everyone has their weaknesses.
    you'll slow down on the fast food when they get bigger and their gassiness is more noticeable. trust me! lol

  2. I can assure you that I did worse things, and look how well you turned out. And so far the girls are pretty fabulous.

    Love and kisses,
    YOUR Mom
    (who supervises student teachers in early childhood settings and knows a LOT about toddlers)
