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Friday, October 15, 2010

2-years-old, Now What?

Birthday Fun

 My twins celebrated their second birthday over a month ago and I'm only writing about it now. Nice mom, huh? They celebrated with a birthday luau which really consisted of Hawaiian themed paper goods, a borrowed Bounce House, and their closest little friends, my friends, and a handful of relatives. They had an amazing time, and we had a beautiful day and last hurrah in our old, gigantic yard. My preparation was a lot less extensive than birthday #1's birthday festivities that included gorgeous mailed invites, rented tables linens, teddy bear centerpieces, 2 hams, a turkey, pizza, pasta, etc. You get the idea. If it weren't for a friend's good sense, and great photography skills, we wouldn't even have a single photo to remember this year's event.
No more binky for you.

 Last week marked the completion of their immunization schedule, and a nice visit with their kind pediatrician who informed us at the girls were in the 95% for height and 5% for weight, but that "they look wonderful"(the greatest words to hear from a doctor). He also said that I need to get rid of their pacifiers except for nighttime sleeping. This will be challenging since my girls love their "b" (short for "bebe" their word for binky).

He also said it was normal that they're completely obsessed with one friend (Maya) who they wake up crying for, ask for incessantly, and call all other girls regardless of the child's actual name.

He said Sophie's separation anxiety is normal since we just had a big move, and that their hair-pulling and biting, and all other bad behavior of others should be dealt with by removing them from the situation, not by words. Done.

He said I could think about school, if I need a break (which I do, but that's another post), but that they don't really need it this year. Okay, that'll save us anywhere from $3k to $18k per kid. Sounds good to me.

The kind doctor also informed us that more than 2 hours of TV watching a day is no good. No kidding, but would he (or anyone) like to entertain my children for the 12 hours a day they're awake? I know full well they watch too much television, even though I'm a pretty active and involved mom. We go to the park one or more times a day, the library 1-2 times a week, and today we went to the Museum of Science. We visit friends, read, color, paint, play with Play Doh, drum, sing, and play with dolls. We change our clothes about five times a day and that doesn't even include actually playing "dress up. However, that takes up about half the day. Does anyone have any better ideas because I could use some. 

No more binkies or TV, what's a 2-year-old (or her mother) to do?  No wonder they call it the terrible 2's, I think we have some tough days ahead of us.


  1. Cut the tips off the pacifiers. No joke. My friend told me to do it and it worked like a charm. Emily used one only for sleeping and one day when she was 16 months I cut the tips. She put one in her mouth....hated it...spit it out...tried another and did the same. She cried for 5 minutes then was quiet. I went in...found a pacifier that was cut dangling from her mouth. The next day i cut them down a little further and she didn't even try for I took them away and she never saw or asked for one again. Cutting the tips basically tricks them to thinking "i don't like this anymore" and then they toss it. Instead of mommy and daddy took these things i love away from me. Everyone I know who has tried this has agreed that it works like magic! Give it a try and let me know how it works. :-)

  2. I love this idea. Thank you! I'm cutting the binkies down tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
