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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hello & Goodbye

So I just said "goodbye" to that lovely house we'd finally finished renovating, which is why it's been over a month since I've written on this little blog.  It's given me virtually no time to do things like contemplate many of life's big questions like why "Maria" on Sesame Street doesn't go by here real name (Sonya), whether or not she's really married to Luis (probably not) or whether Gabby's her real daughter.  I haven't had much time to be doing anything too lush (or even to be a lush).  Moving is serious business, but even more serious with little kids. 

Amazingly we had an offer on our house within days of putting it on the market, which forced us quickly out of reveling in our real estate afterglow and into moving mode.  Temporarily,we're living in my husband's old bachelor pad in the city.  It's a 3rd floor walk-up, so I'm getting lots of exercise (I could use it), my girls have stopped asking when they're going home (so sad) and now are loving the four parks within walking distance, and my husband's getting a 5 minute walk as a commute.

I'm enjoying our closeness.  Did I forget to mention it's a one-bedroom loft?  I'm not sure exactly how long we'll be here, so we're all embracing our digs, at least for the time being.


  1. somervillians again! congrats on the quick sale, where to next? you know there are 3 houses for sale in my neighborhood. 4 words: crane beach parking sticker...

  2. You got it: Somerville! it's fun. I think we'll end up back in the 'burbs since we really want to be close to our parents. However, I gotta admit that Ipswich is very tempting....

    How's my little friend feeling? I was just thinking of you today.
